Copy Cats!

“Copy Cats!”

1 Thessalonians 1:1-7 – October 22, 2023

            Do you remember copy cats? The easiest way for me to remember copy cats is to think of school days. Back in elementary school, one person copying another. Sometimes it was to irritate a person. Can’t you just hear the person being copied say to their teacher, “He’s copying me!” and “Make her stop!” But oftentimes, it was because that copy cat really wanted to emulate the person being copied!

            That is exactly what the apostle Paul is saying here! He praises his friends and former parishioners – “When we told you the good news, it was with the power and assurance that come from the Holy Spirit, and not simply with words. You knew what kind of people we were and how we helped you. So, when you accepted the message, you followed our example and the example of the Lord. You suffered, but the Holy Spirit made you glad.”

            Can you imagine that? Paul commends the Thessalonian believers for following his example, and moreover, for following the example of the Lord! For being copy cats! What is more, “Paul compliments the Thessalonians saying they are making a big difference in their town by living like Jesus every day.” [1] 

            When Paul and his friends came to Thessalonica, they found a pagan city. Although very religious, there was not a strong Jewish synagogue or presence of followers of the God of the Jews in that town. Yet, that did not stop Paul from preaching, and being faithful to spread the Good News of the Gospel. Lo and behold, the people in the newly formed gathering of believers began to follow Paul’s ways, and began to follow the Lord’s way, too. Paul lifts that up here at the beginning of this letter by calling his friends followers of the example of God.

“Paul could see the results in their lives: work stemming from faith; labor motivated by love; and steadfastness flowing from hope in the Lord Jesus Christ in spite of severe persecution. He goes on to mention how they had become imitators of himself and of the Lord and that the gospel was sounding forth from them all over the region. So their dramatically changed lives were evidence that God had chosen them for eternal life.” [2]

            Although you and I can follow Paul’s lead and try to follow in Jesus’s footsteps, many people really find it helpful to have a road map. This helps us understand and to read a step-by-step outline of instructions. We need to know how to live God’s way and walk in God’s path.

            Paul gives us three steps, or at least, three points to consider as you and I try to live God’s way. We find these pointers in verse 3: “We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”

            Some Christians have the mistaken belief that they can work their way to heaven. Paul highlights his friends’ work, yes! However, their Godly work is produced by faith – not the other way around. Yes, many Christians can quote the verses Ephesians 2:8-9, “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one can boast.” I want to be perfectly clear. God does not love us simply because we do good things or live by “works righteousness,” or are blindly obedient to God.

No! God loved us first, before we ever did anything, even while we were yet sinners, God loved each of us. How many of us are familiar with newborn babies? How many of us just love holding a newborn, or a very young baby? The baby does not have to do anything, or be any particular way, and yet the sweet little baby is showered with love. It is the same way with humans and with God. Remember, God first loved us.

            One of my favorite verses from the New Testament is from 1 John 4, and it says “We love, because God first loved us.” Love is often referred to in the Bible, and here in 1 Thessalonians, Paul talks about the labor of love the Thessalonian believers show. This kind of love is evident in just about every believer’s life.

 “This labor motivated by love should be evident in our homes. We should display the qualities of love that Paul mentions.” [3] This kind of love is not cheap affection, or so-called “love” that does not get involved in the lives and situations of friends, relatives, even strangers. Plus, this labor – or work – is not effortless! It certainly can involve physical work, “such as helping an elderly person clean by their yard or house. It will cost your time and sometimes some money.” [4]

            The last pointer that Paul mentions here is endurance inspired by hope. The hope of the return of the risen and ascended Jesus in the clouds is truly a hope we all can share. This blessed hope can help us – enable each of us – to endure trials, difficulties, even persecution with joy. “That kind of steadfast joy under trials comes from hope in the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will right every wrong and reward every good deed done in His name.” [5]

            You and I are not in complete control of our lives, no matter how much we may wish to be. But, there is good news: God is always with us. God always travels by our sides, and walks with us through the dark valleys.

Next week is Reformation Sunday, when we will remember and celebrate the Reformation, that time that started with Martin Luther and continued with many, many reformers over the centuries. Not only that, but you and I are always reforming our faith, reforming our church, reforming ourselves.

This reading today calls us to remake ourselves in the image of Jesus: to be copy cats of Paul, as he is of our Lord Jesus. We can follow Paul’s road map right here. This helps us understand a step-by-step outline of instructions. We are provided a step-by-step way to live God’s way and walk in God’s path.

Is the path easy? Frankly, not always. Is it simple? Straight forward? Yes. Follow the road map of faith, love and hope, and be copy cats. Follow Jesus. Alleluia, amen.


(Suggestion: visit me at my other blogs: matterofprayer: A Year of Everyday Prayers. #PursuePEACE – and  A Year of Being Kind . Thanks!



[3] Ibid.

[4] Ibid.

[5] Ibid.