“Love, in Truth and Action!”

1 John 3:16-23(3:18) – April 21, 2024

            Children love stickers! I can remember as a piano teacher years ago, I always let my piano students choose stickers after their lessons. I would have all different kinds of stickers – animals, dinosaurs, flowers, cars, space ships, and hearts, among other designs. I love stickers, too! When my children were young, they used to put them all over their notebooks, too!        

            Hearts and the heart stickers I passed out before the sermon help us think about this Scripture lesson we read today. We are commanded to be loving, sure! But, the elderly apostle John has some specific words for us – we are to love, in truth and action!

            Let us start at the beginning, with love, and where it often begins. When many people think about love, love can be a concept, an idea. Love is something people can buy in a store, with flowers and candy. Many people start thinking especially of Valentine’s Day or other Hallmark holidays, with stores and card shops full of red and pink displays and hearts and roses. Sweets for the sweet, as the old saying goes!

            That is definitely not what the apostle John has in mind, here in his letter to scattered believers in Christ. Let’s get right into it: John hits us all with a one-two punch. He says in chapter 3, “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.”

            Wow! That is a really long way from some pretty, nice idea of hearts and flowers and Valentine’s Day cards, isn’t it? John was not playing around. He was very serious about his Lord Jesus and Jesus’s love. The amazing, sacrificial love of Jesus has been all-important to John for over fifty years at this point.  The love of Jesus is so important to John, that John gets banished to prison, in isolation on a tiny island in the Mediterranean Sea because of it.

            Let’s go back to the idea of hearts. Sure, when we see hearts on a Valentine’s Day card, that can be cute and sweet. But, it isn’t at all the idea that John is thinking of here!

When you and I really mean something, we often say we put our heart into it. “That’s how we indicate something is really important. That’s how we show that we are really committed, really involved, really connected. Right? Put your heart into it. When we really mean it, our hearts are in it. When they aren’t, when we are half-hearted or worse, then nothing happens. Or nothing of significance anyway.” [1]

            I suspect the apostle John thought about the love of Jesus a lot. I also suspect he really put his heart into communicating the message of the love of Jesus, too!

We are celebrating Shepherd Sunday this fourth week of Easter, with our Scripture readings this week focusing on the Shepherd. Our Gospel reading is from John 10, where Jesus portrays Himself as the Good Shepherd. The psalm for this Sunday is that wonderful psalm describing the Lord as our loving Shepherd – caring for all of the sheep. (even the sheep you and I don’t particularly like)

            As we consider the Shepherd theme, the Gospel of John tells us the Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. Here in 1 John 3, the elderly John tells us more about that sacrificial love: “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.”   

            The next verse is important, as well! “If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?” This cautionary word from John is another one-two punch, for sure, and it really hits home! I can tell you that I feel it deep down in my soul. I wonder if you do, too?

“If we have all we need and see another person who has nothing but do not share what we have, we cannot say we love God.  Love is not what we feel, but what we do.  God wants us to love each other with actions.” [2] God insists that we love one another not only with our words, but with our deeds – our actions – and to put our whole hearts into it, too!

            Things do not always go smoothly or lovingly, however. Some people are just half-hearted, or even less. “The problem is, we have learned to guard our feelings; we have learned to change the channel when the pictures of the hungry children appear. We have learned to turn the page when the paper is full of need and want and brokenness. “Nothing to do with me,” we think to ourselves. We have shut off our emotions; we have closed our bowels, says John.” [3]

            Who remembers several years ago, when our Church Council got together after a Council meeting and packed some disaster response kits for people affected by flooding downstate, here in Illinois? That was loving in word and deed! That was loving each other with actions! Helping others, full of need and want and brokenness, no matter what.

            Certainly, John is asking us – all of us – to do something! Actions big or small, it doesn’t matter. Spend your money wisely, where it makes a difference. Get involved! Write or call your town or state representative when you feel strongly about a local issue. What about hunger, poverty, and need? Our church supports our local food pantry, and the Salvation Army’s outreach to the homeless community in the Forest Preserves. Be sure you support these outreaches, too!

Each of us can make a difference, one person at a time, one prayer at a time, one action at a time.  John wants each of us to put our heart into it! Love truly, in action and in truth. Alleluia, amen!   


(Suggestion: visit me at my other blogs: matterofprayer: A Year of Everyday Prayers. and  A Year of Being Kind . Thanks!

[1] https://www.umcdiscipleship.org/worship-planning/how-shall-we-live/fourth-sunday-of-easter-year-b-lectionary-planning-notes/fourth-sunday-of-easter-year-b-preaching-notes

[2] http://worshipingwithchildren.blogspot.com/2015/03/year-b-fourth-sunday-of-easter-april-26.html

[3] https://www.umcdiscipleship.org/worship-planning/how-shall-we-live/fourth-sunday-of-easter-year-b-lectionary-planning-notes/fourth-sunday-of-easter-year-b-preaching-notes

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